Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Territorial Cooperation in the EU, Barcelona, 2-4 May 2011‏

1. Call for Papers: "Territorial Cooperation in the European Union"

The University Institute of European Studies (IUEE) is inviting papers for a research workshop on "Territorial Cooperation in the European Union" that will take place in Barcelona (May 2-4, 2012).

This multidisciplinary workshop is intended to gather young scholars working on cross-border cooperation in the EU with special regard - but not only - to the Mediterranean countries. Papers should address cross-border, transnational and interregional territorial cooperation from different disciplines (e.g. political science, sociology, economy, geography, spatial planning and law). They should focus on cross-cutting themes (multi-level governance, institutional capacity building, policy learning and Europeanization) and/or on specific policy problems/sectors (territorial cohesion, local development, environment, urban regeneration, climate change and sustainable development, transport, energy, culture).

The two-days workshop will be an opportunity to share ongoing research on the topic and to receive feedback from a group of discussants (senior scholars from the partner institutions) working on the same field.

The programme will be divided into 4 panels:
1. The governance of cross-border cooperation: institution- and capacity-building
2. The European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation and the reform of Cohesion policy: the state of play
3. Policy networks and policy learning in cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation
4. Cross-border sustainable development strategies and policies Travel and accommodation funding is available.

http://www.euborderregions.eu/about/news/works - see http://www.euborderregions.eu/files/Call_for_Papers_Territorial_Cooperation%20May_2012.pd.pdf

Application Deadline: December 31, 2011.

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